Decreasing The Appearance Of Bags Under The Eyes
If you noticed the area underneath your eyes appears darker than the appearance of the rest of the skin on your face, you may have wondered if there are treatments available to improve the aesthetics of the skin in this area. Darkened skin under the eyes can be remedied with habit changes and proactive skin care. Here are some ways you can eliminate these dark areas, brightening them so you have a healthy glow.
Add A Pillow To Your Bed To Help Reduce Blood Pooling
Dark areas under the eyes can be caused from an accumulation of blood in the area. Many people find the dark spots are more noticeable upon waking. To reduce the appearance of darkness, consider using an additional pillow to lift your head while slumbering. This will increase the circulation of the blood in this area, helping to improve the amount of blood collected in this area in those who suffer from vascular problems.
Use A Cool Compress To Reduce Swelling In The Area
When you wake in the morning, place a cool compress around your eye area to help keep swelling down. Purchase a gel ice pack made especially for the eye area. These are made with holes in them so your eyes are not covered in the process, targeting the areas where blood usually pools. Freeze the ice pack over night and retrieve it from your freezer to place on your face for several minutes before starting your day.
Consider Having A Professional Facial To Invigorate The Skin
Head to a spa to have a facial treatment done to help reduce dark spots around your eyes. A professional will tend to your skin, targeting the areas where dark areas are prevalent. They may use a collagen-building skin cream to increase the amount of plumpness in this area, aiding in the production of healthy skin cells in thin skin. Creams rich in vitamin C are also beneficial in brightening the tone of the skin in this area. A specialist will look at the coloring of the skin in this area and use an appropriate product to help reduce the appearance of dark shades. They will also perform movements on the skin with their fingers, helping to circulate the blood in the underlining tissues.
Apply Cosmetics To Hide Dark Spots From View
If you are strapped on time, covering the dark areas is a temporary option. Use a liquid skin-toned cream on the dark spots to cover them effectively. Afterward, use a bit of powered concealing makeup to keep the skin from looking greasy.
Alter Your Lifestyle Habits To Clear Up Skin
Failing to get enough sleep can contribute to the look of dark patches of skin under the eyes. Do your best to allot enough time for healthy rest to help keep bags at bay. If you smoke, this can also cause wrinkling in this area, making dark areas noticeable. Increase the amount of omega-3 fatty acids in your diet to help increase the blood flow in this area as well.