
Changing My Hairstyle

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Changing My Hairstyle

A few years ago, a friend of mine told me that my hair was a little dated. I was kind of offended at first, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that she was right. I needed a change, but I wasn't sure what I wanted. I started doing a little research, and I was able to find an incredible salon near my house that offered what I was looking for. I made an appointment, and the hairstylist walked me through a litany of styles, colors, and accessories. This blog is designed to help people to learn more about what a spa or salon can do for you, so that you can change your look too.

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How To Make Your Daughter's Wedding Day A Memorable One

Are you feeling that the years went by too quickly? Your little girl went from playing dress-up to actually buying an elegant dress for her wedding day. Here are some ideas for you to make this day a memorable one from the time she wakes up.

Help Her Get Enough Sleep - Don't let her set an alarm clock! Your daughter is probably already sleep deprived and you'll be doing her a huge favor by encouraging her to be rested for this all-important day. Make appointments for later in the day so she won't feel rushed to get anywhere. Then, when you know it really is time for her to start her day, wake her up to music she loves. Give her a few minutes to get the sleepy cobwebs out of her system and then bring her breakfast in bed. Have a letter on her breakfast tray that expresses your love and appreciation for her. That letter will surely be a keepsake.

Do An Inventory - Help your daughter set out literally every single thing she's going to need to dress for the wedding. You don't want to be looking for earrings or her favorite lipstick at the last minute. Have somebody available who can run errands for you. For example, ask somebody who isn't in the wedding party to pick up your daughter's wedding bouquet and flowers for the attendants.

Make It A Day Of Pampering - At the appointed time, drive your daughter to a beauty facility, like Adevia SpaSalon, where she can be treated like a princess in preparation for her wedding later in the day. She will probably already have been to the beauty shop for eyebrow and eyelash tinting. At this new appointment, treat your daughter to a relaxing massage and a facial. This would be the perfect time to have a pedicure and a manicure. If your daughter selects gel polish, her manicure and pedicure will last for several days without chipping. This type of manicure and pedicure is more expensive, but it will be worth every penny you spend.Remind her to pick a polish color that will go with the clothes she's taking on her honeymoon. Finally, have a professional aesthetician do her hair and her makeup. Pre-pay for all services, including tips and make sure your daughter has receipts, just in case she needs them.

Even though you'll have a professional photographer at the wedding and at the reception, be sure to take your own pictures throughout her wedding day. Those will be reminders of the wonderful day that led to her actual wedding ceremony.